Hi, I am Charlie a bad-ass chick who loves adventure. Nothing scares this wild risk taker and danger is my middle name. Bahahaha! Okay, that is how I wish I lived, but nothing could be further from the truth. I grew up with an overly cautious mother, who constantly warned me about the dangers of the world. While I dreamed of exploring the unknown, exciting and adventurous travel just seemed out of reach.
In 2009, a bit of luck blew my way, when a long lost, well traveled cousin asked me to join her on a trip to England and Ireland. While I was concerned about the costs and safety, I was reassured that this 2 week trip wasn't going to break the bank and everything would be alright.
One thing about traveling with another person is that you might get tempted to let your guard down and rely on your travel buddy. I admit I did that and I did not research much about backpacking and traveling through Europe before setting off on this vacation. I let my cousin take the reins and I excitedly went along for the ride.
Long story short, my cousin and I had a parting of the ways on the second day of our adventure. Considering I had NO CLUE about traveling, let alone traveling by myself, you might assume that I would pack it in and hop on the next plane home. But I didn't. In fact the thought never crossed my mind. It was too late, I had been bitten by the travel bug. I immediately found an internet café and started the research that was needed to continue traveling. I changed my originally planned trip that was primarily focused on Ireland, (with short stays in England and Paris), to a nice long stay in Paris, travels to the South of France, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, and London. Along the way I met wonderful people from all over the world. Locals were welcoming and even excited to take me out and show me their cities. My two weeks turned into two months.
You don't have to be rich to experience other cultures and to have the vacation of a lifetime. If you don't have any one to travel with, or if you are extra adventurous, travel alone. The experience will change you. There is nothing quite like it.
So, check out this site for travel advice and maybe even a little inspiration. I mean, if I can travel the world, so can you!
Cheers from Charlie